About Us

Nearby Nature Milwaukee is an environmental justice and equity initiative started in the Fall of 2017 with a grant from the Sierra Club Foundation, to build healthier and more resilient communities. From 2019 through 2023, we were grateful for the fiscal sponsorship of the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium. Starting in July of 2023, Nearby Nature is a fully tax deductible 501c3 organization.
Recognizing a great need in neighborhoods stressed by high poverty and injustice, the group focuses its efforts in Milwaukee’s 30th Street Corridor and Lincoln Creek Greenway. We are very grateful for the foundation support we get from many sources But we also rely heavily on private donations from people like you. It’s easy to contribute here.
What We Do
Celebrate and support the environmental movement in Milwaukee’s communities of color.
Outings and Stewardship
Provide renewal and stewardship of land and access to natural areas in the 30th St. Corridor and Lincoln Creek Greenway.
Support environmental education in youth serving agencies in these neighborhoods.
Address the history of systematic racism and non-inclusiveness in the environmental movement.