It is part of Nearby Nature’s mission to work for renewal of and access to natural areas in the 30th Street Corridor and Lincoln Creek greenway.  Crews of volunteers have been gathering at 35th and Hopkins.  We are working on building a demonstration area for natural renewal.  Recently a local radio reporter stopped by to talk to the work crew. WUWM environmental reporter Susan Bence spoke with several volunteers and published this story.  Click to hear the story.

The story was titled: Trailblazers aim to bring nature back to Milwaukee’s 30th Street Corridor neighborhood.

Indeed, it’s true.  We hope this trail is only the beginning of a greater project of renewal and restoration of nature’s gifts.  Already, one youth group has visited the trail while under construction, and several more have plans.  Our hopes include a community art project and a prairie restoration plan. But first we need to hold a cleanup.